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Checkin' IN!!!

Well to my selfish chagrin today, in light of things. I just deferred my Ironman entry for St George to IM Coeur D'alene in 2021.

Adjust, adapt, train. Take the unanticipated space to slow down, recalibrate, retune, focus and concentrate. great journeys whatever they are to all! We can do this. 

Choosing to be cognizant that my decisions have a bigger butterfly effect than I perceive. In light of that, family first, controlling what I can and limiting stress, focusing on the celebration of life. and putting my new kickr core to work as often as I feel I am permitted in light of my other responsibilities. 

My hobby lifestyle of triathlon will continue to be there to help me. Rouvy, trainer road, zwift and I have dates trial periods to binge on.

Soon I hope hindsight and 2020 (yes, even the year) prove to be about growth and moving the needle forward as a person, in our family and our circle of influence. Here I come IMCdA! June 27 (I think).

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Activities - 

I use the following trackers:
  • Garmin Connect (which pushes the files to the following services):
    • Training Peaks
    • Strava
    • and the ones I don't remember (Map my stuff via Under Armour and things like the Great Bicycle ride initiative stuff)
Honestly, I mainly use Training Peaks as I pay for an annual subscription on it now, and it is the most detailed in data and other helpful information to keep me where I want to go. Use the 'Links', then 'Track me' section to find and stalk me if that's your thing.

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